Monday, May 17, 2010

The Preston Temple Story

Hey guys,

MaryAnne and I are slowly blogging about our trip to England. I posted last night and am too lazy to post it again here. You can read the post about my uncomfortable experience in the temple by clicking on this link: If you have a blog, feel free to link to us. We'd love you add you guys as well.

A couple of announcements. I am an official P90X grad. Take that Tony Horton! I hadn't done any P90X for a couple of weeks and then did the push-up and pull-up workout (the one I threw up on) this morning. I tried to go as hard as I did a month ago and made it halfway before the sick started coming. Darn you Tony Horton.

Also, I am stoked that Glee is back on TV again. The first few episodes were a disappointment for me, but the last two, "Bad Reputation" and "Laryngitis," have been awesome. I highly recommend at least the songs. I would also talk about Lost, but no one is following this season (Katie K., have you caught up yet?). Hope everyone is having fun at their fieldworks.


  1. yay for you! finishing p90x, that's awesome! congrats.

  2. Congrats Brad... for a second I thought the pic was you.

  3. Congrats! Ever thought of P90X+? Or Insanity?

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